Kentucky Tint laws were imposed and regulated in 1994. Window tint laws allows motorists to tint their vehicle windows up to certain limits.
Tinted windows provide numerous benefits, but keep in mind the allowed limits of visible light transmission through the window to obey the State tint laws. Non-compliance with window tint laws can might push you in trouble, in form of tint ticket or legal action.
Check out the below information about the darkest legal tint in Kentucky. Additionally, vehicle owners or drivers need to follow tint reflection limits and some other rules.
Overview of Kentucky Tint Laws
The below image shows the allowed limits for window tint darkness and tint reflection for Cars and Trucks or SUV’s registered in Kentucky. Tint Darkness and Reflection limits are shown in percentage, which refers to the percentage of visible light that should pass through vehicle windows.

Window Tint Reflection
Window tint reflection limits for Sedan and SUV type vehicles are given below:
- Front Side Windows: Front Side widows must have solar reflectance of 25%.
- Back Side Windows: Back side windows must have solar reflectance of 35%.
The above rule is applicable for Cars and SUV or multipurpose vehicles.
Other Rules and Regulations
There are some other rules for the vehicles with tinted windows, registered in Kentucky:
- Dual Side Mirrors: Dual Side Mirrors are mandatory if the rear window is covered or treated with any material which reduces the transparency of rear window.
- Tint Colors: Colored tinted materials are restricted.
- Sticker: Tint Installers must affix the label on the inner side of left door jamb, to identify legal tint.
- Certificates: Manufacturers are required to get certificate for the film, they sell in Kentucky.
Medical Exemptions
Kentucky Tint laws don’t allow medical exemptions for any person who need to avoid direct sunlight due to certain medical conditions. However, Most of US states issue medical exemption certificate or tint waiver for any person who required to get shielded from direct sunlight.
Penalties for Violating Tint Laws
According to Kentucky Statutes for Motor Vehicles Section 189.110 any individual who install sun screening material or tints, which violates the state laws shall be guilty of Class B Misdemeanor. Cops and Law enforcement agencies can stop you to test your window tint, legal action will be taken accordingly.