Arkansas Window Tint laws were legislated in 1993 which permits motorists to install after market tinting materials. However, the state limitations for window tinting must be followed to avoid legal consequences.
Window tinting laws in Arkansas allows 25% of Visible Light Transmission to pass through Front and back side windows, while 10% of light must pass through the rear window.
Tinted windows offer Several Benefits, but it may be risky to disobey the tinting laws, as you may get pulled over by the police due to non-compliance.
Check out the complete detailed guide about the Arkansas law for tinted windows.
Overview of Arkansas Tint Laws
The below image outlines the Arkansas window tint laws for Cars and SUV or Trucks in terms of Tint Darkness and Tint Reflection.

Darkest Legal Tint in Arkansas
Below is the breakdown of darkest legal tint in Arkansas by the type of car windows. Drivers and vehicle owners should obey these tint rules to avoid penalties.
State | Front Side Windows | Back Side Windows | Rear Windows | Windshield | Tint Reflection | Color Tints |
Arkansas | 25% | 25% | 10% | 5 Inches from Top | Metallic or Mirrored Tint Restricted. | No tint colors are specifically restricted. |
Window Tint Reflection
According to the Arkansas Tinting Laws, Metallic or mirrored tints are not allowed as it reflect light and produces glare which may cause discomfort for other drivers and passengers.
The above rule is applicable for both Sedan and SUV or Trucks.
Other Rules and Regulations in Arkansas
Arkansas implemented some other rules and regulations associated with the tinted windows, which include:
- Dual Side Mirrors: No restriction for dual side mirrors.
- Restricted Tint Colors: No tint colors are specifically restricted.
- Sticker: Sticker for compliance of legal tint is required to display on Vehicle window.
- Certificate: Window Film manufacturers don’t require to get certificate to sell the tinting materials in the state.
Medical Exemptions
Arkansas allows exemptions from the tinting laws due to certain medical conditions. The licensed physician who is practicing in the state should certify the application for tint waiver.
With a tint waiver you can apply the following tint percentage:
- Windshield: Tint with 50% VLT through Windshield.
- Side Windows: 20% tint can be installed on Side windows.
- Rear Window: 10% tint can be installed on rear window.
The tint waiver shall be valid for 3 Years from the date of issue, but if you need to transfer the vehicle having tint waiver, you must:
- Disclose that window tinting is not within legal limits without the medical waiver. OR;
- Remove the tint material from windows that was applied due to medical exemptions.
Penalties for Violating Tint Laws
Any person operating the motor vehicle with tinted glass contrary to above rules of Window Tint Darkness, Tint Reflection and other rules shall be guilty of Class B misdemeanor.
Similarly, Any Professional installer who install tinting materials disobeying the state laws shall also be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. State departments can identify the installer with the Sticker installed on Glass window films. The sticker should display the Name and Phone number of the Company who installed the tinted materials.
Source: Arkansas Code Title 27. Transportation ยง 27-37-306. After-market tinting material–Applicability